Monday, March 3, 2008


A victim advocate is a person who provides support, advocacy, information and referral services
to those victimized by crime, those suspected of being victims of crimes or family members of a
crime victim. The victim advocate could also provide services to neighborhoods where a crime
has occurred and may provide services to friends, co-workers, classmates or extended family
members of victims.

A victim advocate may be a paid staff member or a volunteer. A victim advocate may be
located within:

  • A dedicated agency or program such as a law enforcement agency, prosecutor’s office,
    municipal law director’s office, court program or may be member of an independent
    program that contracts with any of these organizations.
  • A community-based agency or program such as a rape crisis center, domestic violence
    shelter, child advocacy center, mental health/social services agency or an independent program that contracts with any of these community-based agencies.
A victim advocate may also be known as a victim assistance professional, victim services
provider, victim services specialist or other similar titles.